Pretvornik USR-W600 RS232/RS485 na WiFi


Brez DDV: 45.00€

  • Šifra: 3634

Work Mode

  • Transparent transmission mode

In this mode, all data that needs to send and receive is not parsed between the serial port and the wifi interface. It minimizes the complexity of user usage.

  • AT Command mode

In this mode, the user can query and set the UART and network parameters via AT command.

  • HTTP Client mode

Serial data will be submitted to the web server via Http (GET / POST).

Special Features

  • Heartbeat package mechanism

The network heartbeat packet notifies the server that it is in an active state,and it maintains the normal connection with the server by continuously sending the heartbeat packet.
Serial port heartbeat packet notifies the serial device that it is in an active state, and takes the initiative to crawl the sensor data which can not the initiative to push.

  • Register package mechanism

Server as a TCP Client and UDP Client, when the the link is established, it sends a predetermined registration package as logo automatically.
Registration package data can be MAC address,or custom registration data.

Network Functions

  • AP mode

Without any configuration of mobile devices such as computers or mobile phones, it accesses to the WIFI module for data transmission quickly, the devices are up to 3.

  • STA mode

AP+ To achieve long-range or LAN equipment communications via access to router.

  • AP + STA  mode

It can realize the local equipment LAN communication, and it supports remote device WAN communication,  the STA devices are up to 3.


1. Electricity field

  • To realize the control center data real-time transmission.
  • Low support for 485 communication, to improve anti-jamming and isolation.
  • High cost-effective, large-scale application can reduce the overall project costs.

2. Agricultural field

  • Monitoring the situation in the greenhouse,such as utilization rate about water resources, fertilizers and so on.
  • To obtain farmland information and monitor sudden natural disasters, then to carry out standardized control measures.
  • Fully automated operation without human intervention, saving manpower and achieving the precise control of agriculture.

3. Wireless meter reading

  • Supports SSL, HTTPS function, to make data transsfer more secturity.
  • Remote monitoring meter reading data, saving manpower and resources, and to facilitate the sudden response measures.
  • To collect data  quickly in the monitoring and management platform, and to facilitate the city electricity management.


Serijski v WiFi pretvornik USR-W610, ki lahko izvede dvosmerno pregleden prenos med RS232 / RS485 in WiFi / Ethernet.

  • Podpora brezžičnim standardom WIFI 2.4GHz 802.11b / g / n.
  • Podpira način strežnika TCP / TCP odjemalec / UDP strežnik / UDP odjemalec / HTTP.
  • Podpora AP, STA, AP + STA.
  • Podpora serijskih vrat RS232 in RS485.


Serijski v WiFi in Ethernet pretvornik USR-W610, ki lahko izvede dvosmerno pregleden prenos med RS232 / RS485 in Ethernet / WiFi. Skozi preprosto konfiguracijo preko spletnega strežnika ali namestitvene programske opreme lahko dodelite delovne podrobnosti, zavedete serijske podatke in TCP / IP podatkovni paket pregleden prenos s pretvornikom.


  • Podpora brezžičnim standardom WIFI 2.4GHz 802.11b / g / n.
  • Podpira način strežnika TCP / TCP odjemalec / UDP strežnik / UDP odjemalec / HTTP.
  • Podpora AP, STA, AP + STA.
  • Podpora serijskih vrat RS232 in RS485.
  • Podpora elektrostatični zaščiti.
  • Podpora identiteta paketno funkcijo.
  • Podpora za paketni srčni utrip.
  • Podpora za funkcijo Websocket.
  • Podpora za nastavitev časovne omejitve, funkcija ponastavitve časa.
  • Podpora spletnemu strežniku, programska oprema za nastavitev, serijski / omrežni ukaz AT za konfiguracijo modula.
  • Podpora za ponovno nalaganje strojne opreme.
  • Podpora usrlink.


Potrdilo FCC / CE
Wifi 802.11 b / g / n
Frekvenčni razpon 2.412GHz-2.484GHz
Prenos moči 802.11b: + 19dBm (največja) 
802.11g: + 18dBm (največja) 
802.11n: + 17dBm (največja)
Sprejemljiva občutljivost 802.11b: -89dBm 
802.11g: -81dBm 
802.11n: -73dBm
Strojna oprema  
Standard vmesnika RS232: 300 .8 460.8Kbps 
RS485: 300 .4 230.4Kbps
Vhodna napetost DC5 V 36V
Delovna temp. -40 ℃ ~ 85 ℃
Temp za shranjevanje. -40 ℃ ~ 125 ℃
Velikost 86 * 82,5 * 25 mm (L * W * H)
Programska oprema  
Omrežni način Station / AP / AP + Station
Varnost WEP / WPA-PSK / WPA2-PSK
Šifriranje WEP64 / WEP128 / TKIP / AES
Način dela Transparentni prenos / serijski AT ukaz / 
HTTP Client, Modbus TCP <=> Modbus RTU
Nastavitev ukaza Ukaz AT +
Omrežni protokol TCP / UDP / ARP / ICMP / DHCP / DNS / HTTP
Maks. Številka odjemalca v načinu strežnika TCP 24
Konfiguracija Ukaz Web Sever + AT
Allow Gift Message Female
Meta Title Pretvornik USR-W600 RS232/485 na WiFi
Product Name Pretvornik USR-W600 RS232/485 na WiFi
Quantity Male
Enable Product Male
Tax Class Manufacturer
URL Key pretvornik-usr-w600-rs232-485-na-wifi
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